DS-3E2528P(B) Review

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ComX Computers

DS-3E2528P(B) Hikvision DS-3E2528P(B) 24 Port Gigabit Full Managed POE Switch

Hikvision DS-3E2528P(B) 24 Port Gigabit Full Managed POE Switch
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Hikvision DS-3E2528P(B) 24 Port Gigabit Full Managed POE Switch, 24 Gigabit Poe electrical ports and 4 Gigabit combo ports, Support static routing, policy routing, rip, OSPF and other three-layer routing protocols, IGMP snooping and GRMP for filtering multicast traffic, Port-based VLAN, IEEE 802.1Q VLAN, and GVRP to ease network planning, Support IEEE 802.1x authentication, radius and bdtacacs + authentication, Support EAPs and ERPs Ethernet ring network protection protocol, QoS (IEEE 802.1P/1Q and TOS/DiffServ) to increase determinism, Support IEEE 802.3af/at compliant PoE, Each PoE port provides up to 30W output power, PoE management: PoE device detection, PoE power management. Easy network management by web browser, Console, Telnet, SSH, SNMPv1/v2c/v3 for different levels of network management

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