Specifications & more information about DS-MCW406-32G-GPS-WIFI-NS, Action Cam / Body Cam manufactured by Hikvision
Specifications available as a download
Important notice The information displayed below this paragraph is for reference purposes only. The information may be generic in nature, which covers the entire range of products that fall within this category, and might not apply to this specific model. Please select the correct model as per the above description.
Kindly note that additional software, such as anti-virus and office software, are trial versions and a license will need to be purchased to use the software without limitations.
2688*1520 2K HD recording
IR function to recognize the facial features in the captured picture even in dim environment
Realtime status transmitted to central platform via Wi-Fi connection.
Small size, light weight, and convenient to carry.
The best price and guaranteed service and backup from official computer suppliers in South Africa for the DS-MCW406-32G-GPS-WIFI-NS Hikvision DS-MCW406 Linux Economical Wi-Fi Body Camera.
The Hikvision
DS-MCW406-32G-GPS-WIFI-NSHikvision DS-MCW406 Linux Economical Wi-Fi Body Camera is available for R4140. The product is sold by ComX Computers as new. Prices are valid today 2025-01-15 (before , by quote, while stocks last). The product is expected to be in stock, although this is not guaranteed.
Available from this online computer store delivering door-to-door in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Pretoria, Pietermaritzburg, Polokwane, Durban and all over South Africa.
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